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Yearly Archives: 2016


Minutes of the AGM held on 12th October, 2016

Please find below a copy of the minutes of the 2016/17 General Assembly, held on 12th October, 2016.







University Information Meetings Oct / Nov 2016

Vienna International School is hosting a number of University information meetings this autumn and interested parents and students from our school are welcome to attend. For security reasons you must pre-register – please send the names of those wishing to attend via the “Contact Us” page on this website – the deadline for registration is 12.00 hrs two working days prior to each event.

4th October: 13.10 – 13.50 hrs         LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science)

5th October: 18.00 – 20.00 hrs         University of St Andrews

7th October: 13.10 – 14.30 hrs         University of Pennsylvania

 24th October: 16.00 – 18.00 hrs      Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth and Princeton

10th November: 13.10 – 13.50 hrs    McGill University




General Assembly 2016/17 Generalversammlung 2016/17

All VBS parents and teachers are warmly invited to attend the General Assembly which will be held on Wednesday 12th October, 2016 at 18.00 hrs in the Multi-purpose Room.

Alle VBS Eltern und LehrerInnen sind zur Generalversammlung am 12. Oktober, 2016 um 18.00 Uhr im Mehrzweckraum herzlich eingeladen.









Membership fees now due / Mitgliedschaftsgebühren sind jetzt fällig

Please be informed that 2016/17 winter term membership fees are now due. €100 per family (youngest child pays) should be transferred by September 30th, 2016 to the VBS Association account. Details can be found under “Bank Details” section of this website. Please don’t forget to enter your child’s name and class under “Verwendungszweck”.

Thank you.


University Info Meeting at VIS / Universitäten Informationstreffen – 21st April 2016

Vienna International School is hosting a University Info Meeting on Thursday 21st April from 08.30 – 11.00 hrs, interested parents and students from our school are welcome to attend. For security reasons you must pre-register – please send the names of those wishing to attend via the “Contact Us” page on this website – the deadline for registration is 12.00 noon on Tuesday 19th April.

The following Universities will be represented:  Goldsmiths University of London, De Montfort, University of East Anglia, Keele, University of Kent, Queen Mary´s University of London, SOAS University of London, Southampton, University of Surrey.

A presentation by each University will be followed by time for individual questions directly with University representatives.


Minutes of the VBS General Assembly held on 17th February 2016

Please find below a copy of the minutes of the VBS General Assembly, held on 17th February, 2016.

VBS Minutes 17 February 2016



Applying for Universities offering courses in English

On 23rd February Jeremy Handcock, University and College Counsellor – VIS, gave the assembled group of VBS students and parents an invaluable overview of how to apply for courses in English at Universities in the UK, Europe, US and Canada.  His presentation is attached here for your reference and is full of useful tips, deadlines and web addresses.

Applying to British and American Universities Theodor Kramer Gymnasium 2016

Useful websites for research from Jeremy Handcock



Wednesday 17th February 2016 – Summer Term General Assembly / Sommersemester Generalversammlung

All VBS parents and teachers are warmly invited to attend our Summer Term General Assembly which will be held on Wednesday 17th February at 18:00 in the “Glaskobel”.

Alle VBS Eltern und LehrerInnen sind herzlich eingeladen an der Sommersemester Generalversammlung  am 17. Februar um 18:00 im Glaskobel teilzunehmen.


Membership fees now due / Mitgliedschaftsgebühren sind jetzt fällig

Please be informed that summer term membership fees are now due. €100 per family (youngest child pays) should be transferred by 29th February to the VBS Association account. Details can be found under the “Bank Details” section of this website. Please don’t forget to enter your child’s name and class under “Verwendungszweck”.

Thank you.

Tuesday 23rd February 2016 – Information Evening “Applying to English medium universities”

Jeremy Handcock, Student Counsellor at the Vienna International School, will be joining us for his annual overview of English medium universities and how to apply.  This presentation is aimed at upper-secondary students and their parents but other interested families from grades 1-4 may also attend.

Tuesday 23rd February at 18.00 hrs in the main school hall (Mehrzweckraum)