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Monthly Archives: November 2014


University Info Meeting at VIS / Universitäten Informationstreffen – 17th November

Vienna International School is hosting a University Info Meeting on Monday 17th November from 17.00 – 20.00 hrs, interested parents and students from our school are welcome to attend. For security reasons you must pre-register – please send the names of those wishing to attend via the “Contact Us” page on this web site – the deadline for registration is Sunday 16th November.

The following Universities will be represented:  Eckerd College, ESADE Business School, Glion Institute Higher Education, IE University, London South Bank University, Marist College, St. Olaf College, Stony Brook University, University of California San Diego, Univeristy of California Davis, University of California Irvine, University of Tampa, WHU- Otto Beisheim School of Management, Wofford College.

A number of interesting workshops and presentations will be followed by time for individual questions directly with University representatives.  Upon registration you will receive the detailed programme.

Vienna International School veranstaltet am 17. November von 17.00 – 20.00 Uhr einen Informationsabend über Universitäten. Interessierte Eltern und Schüler sind herzlich willkommen, eine Anmeldung ist jedoch aus Sicherheitsgründen notwendig. Wenn Sie teilnehmen wollen, schicken Sie bitte Ihren Namen an uns (über „Contact Us“ auf dieser Web-site).   Deadline für die Anmeldung ist der 16. November.

Die folgenden Universitäten werden teilnehmen: Eckerd College, ESADE Business School, Glion Institute Higher Education, IE University, London South Bank University, Marist College, St. Olaf College, Stony Brook University, University of California San Diego, Univeristy of California Davis, University of California Irvine, University of Tampa, WHU- Otto Beisheim School of Management, Wofford College.